Many people are hesitant about replacing lost teeth with dentures due to myths that dentures are uncomfortable, clunky looking, and a pain to maintain. Nothing could be further from the truth. Modern dentures have come a long way as a restorative dental treatment, making them an excellent choice for restoring your smile. If you live in Charlottesville, Virginia, or neighboring cities, contact Dr. Gregory R Cox from Rugby Dental Arts to learn more about our comfortable denture services.
Today’s dentures are more comfortable than ever due to the use of advanced technology for their design and better denture materials. Custom dentures conform to the size and shape of your mouth for a snug, comfortable fit. They restore your natural bite to make it easier to chew and grind your food. They’re also designed with your smile in mind, exuding an attractive, natural-looking appearance.
Like anything else that’s new, it may take time to adjust to your new prosthetics and “wear them in.” Once you become accustomed to your new dentures, you’ll appreciate all that they have to offer as replacement teeth.
Dentures offer numerous advantages as replacement teeth. Here are just a few:
Don’t just take our word for it! See for yourself how comfortable dentures can be! To schedule a consultation with Dr. Gregory R Cox for denture treatment, contact Rugby Dental Arts in Charlottesville, VA, at (434) 443-8034.