Good oral care is the secret to good oral health. If your smile is important to you, you’ll do your part to keep your teeth and gums in good shape. Good oral hygiene habits can help keep decay and gum disease at bay, two dental problems that can severely affect your oral health. Bi-annual dental exams and cleanings from Rugby Dental Arts in Charlottesville, Virginia, play a crucial role in maintaining good oral health.
Beautiful smiles don’t just happen on their own. They’re a product of good oral hygiene habits and professional dental services like bi-annual checkups and cleanings. Poor oral care can lead to all kinds of dental issues, including:
Improper brushing combined with infrequent visits to the dentist can result in plaque and tartar buildup on your teeth. Plaque and tartar buildup can destroy the enamel of your teeth and cause such problems as decay, tooth infections, and gum disease. When left unchecked, these problems will worsen over time, putting you at risk of losing your natural teeth. Through good oral care, you can prevent dental problems and preserve your smile.
Good oral hygiene habits combined with routine exams and cleanings help keep your teeth and gums in good health. Some good habits to develop are:
Caring for your teeth starts in your early years. Children as young as preschool age can learn good oral hygiene habits that can carry over into their adult years.
If you live in Charlottesville, Virginia, or surrounding communities, you can come to Rugby Dental Arts for quality dental care services for your entire family. To schedule a dental exam and cleaning, contact Dr. Gregory R Cox today at (434) 443-8034.